
Trademark- Vietnam


The trademark application shall be filed with NOIP. Vietnam adopts first to file principle for trademark system. The designation of goods or services are limited to 6 items, additional official fees will apply for each goods/services over 6.

Application Procedure

  1. Conducting similarity search: search and check whether there is similar prior trademark.
  2. Filing trademark application with NOIP: NOIP will firstly examine the formality of trademark application.
  3. Substantive examination: the trademark application in Vietnam will be published 2 months for opposition after it passes formality examination. If no opposition is lodged, the application will be examined substantively to check if it meets distinctiveness or conflicts with prior trademark.
  4. Issuance: The trademark registration will be issued if no opposition is filed after 3 months. The term of trademark right is 10 years from publication date, and can be renewed to next 10 years subject to renewal fee.

Required Documents

  1. Information of applicant: Applicant’s name and address in Chinese and English.
  2. International classification and designated goods/services
  3. Mark specimen in JPEG
  4. Power of Attorney